The California Gun Rights Foundation and our partners are taking the fight to Newsom over his latest attack on carry!

In case you missed the news, we've filed Carralero v. Bonta - which challenges the "sensitive place" carry ban in the recently-passed SB2.

SB2 is a blatant attempt by the tyrants in Sacramento to flout the Supreme Court's Bruen decision and crack down on the right to carry.

That's why we're SUING Newsom, and we need YOUR HELP to make sure this lawsuit is successful.

Please give this litigation a big shot in the arm by making a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donation today.

If you give at least $25 by midnight tonight, you will automatically be entered to WIN a Sig P226 Mk 25!

Remember that California has just been dealt some huge blows by the courts.

And with the potential that Judge Benitez could rule the "assault weapons" ban unconstitutional, it is time to apply MAXIMUM PRESSURE!

It is beyond insulting and DANGEROUS that despots like Newsom enjoy protection by armed escorts while they legislate away our right to self-protection in public.

Help us SHRED SB 2's assault on carry TODAY by donating and be entered to WIN the P226 Mk 25!